
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27



TOP1 RA_Akimbo

Akimbo, this must be one of the odder-looking words in the language. It puzzles us in part because it doesn't seem to have any relatives. What's more, it is now virtually a fossil word, until recently almost invariably found in 'arms Akimbo', a posture in which a person stands with hands on hips and elbows sharply bent outward, one that signals impatience, hostility, and contempt.


TOP1 DI_Virus Replication


TOP1 RL_Australian Export 

讲澳洲对日本、美国、中国近几十年来的出口业务,以及澳大利亚应该怎么趁亚洲这个好势头促进自己的出口业, 日本中国美英对澳出口的变化从1985到现在.

The lecture talks about China, japan, US's export business.

In the past, Australia was concerned about its geographical location, which may result in Australia being isolated from North America, UK, and later America.

Nevertheless, nowadays with the rise of Asian countries, especially China, Australia has become a great export country with a perfect location.

Currently, Japan is the largest exporting country to Australia, but China may become the largest one in the future. Australia should take the advantage of China's raise to develop its exports.


TOP1 SWT_Children watching TV

The research shows that for children, the amount of time of television viewing and the amount spent on other social activities are negatively correlated and that the impact of television on children can only be discussed after considering a wide range of issues, whereas television indeed exerts a profound influence on the family as a whole.


TOP1 WE_Climate change

You need to study climate change. Which aspect of climate change will you choose and why? Use examples.


TOP1 RP_Chimpanzees 黑猩猩学说话

A simple way to disprove this hypothesis (the Innateness Hypothesis) is to demonstrate that other species have the capacity to speak but for some reason simply have not developed speech. A logical candidate for such a species is the chimpanzee, which shares 98.4% of the human genetic code.

Chimpanzees cannot speak because, unlike homo sapiens, their vocal cords are located higher in their throats and cannot be controlled as delicately as human vocal cords.

It does not follow from their lack of speech, however, that chimpanzees are incapable of language. Perhaps they can acquire grammar like humans if they could only express it some other way.

The obvious alternative is sign language since all primates have extremely dexterous hands and sign language is a language. You have probably already read about the regular chimpanzees Washoe and Nim Chimpsky, and the lowland gorilla Koko, all of who learned to sign and interact very naturally with their trainers.

All of these animals were taught to sign in order to get food, tickling, grooming, toys, and to get out of their cages. The question, then, is whether chimpanzee and gorilla signing language; is it based on grammatical rules?


TOP1 SST_Talent war(激烈的人才战争)

男声版: The lecture talks about Talent war. Many countries are now short of talent.

The intensive competition for talented people is not only within a country but also between countries. The changes of the nature of economy lead to increase in talent demand.

The Decreasing and aging population of baby boomer generation cause decreased the skilled supply of workers.

Many young people immigrate by going to university in other countries. After graduate, they compete with local people. This is the way that some countries attract talented people. In conclusion, talent is at a premium.

女声版: Evidence shows that deficiency of talents in exacerbates. The demand talents boomed tripled in contemporary companies, and global demography contributed to labor lacking.

The aging of baby-boomer generation also distracts numerous experienced employees from working as well.

The collapse of loyalty and mismatching between school-taught knowledge and employers’requirements are major causations.

Developing countries undergo similar situation while dealing with culture legacy that impedes development.


TOP1 WFD_Animals raised in captivity behave differently than their wild counterparts. 



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